Monday, September 20, 2010


What is it with running shoes?  A couple of weeks ago I bought a new pair of shoes.  I ran around the store and they felt great!  I thought:  Finally, a pair of shoes that feel good on my wide, big feet I(9.5 , D width, with bunions and all that). They not only felt good, they looked good!!I even have a couple of tops that coordinated with them, which for me is unusual.

Ok, I took them home, and then proceeded to do a real run on the trails.  OUCH  OUCH!  Blisters on the sides of my feet and the sides of my big toe. Damn.  Well, maybe they are a little stiff from being new.  A few more runs and they'll be good.  So, went out again for a run, even shorter than the last.  I taped up all the blisters/hotspots from the last time.  Guess what--MORE blisters!  These were on the ends of my toes!!!!
And I did check to be sure there was more than enough room at the end before buying them. 

I should try one more time, but I don't have enough athletic tape or any other kind of tape.  So what's a runner to do?  Maybe I'll do a little 'surgery' on them.  Heh Heh.


Another of my  musings today:  I did the Cruise for the Critters 5k over the weekend.  This is a great race, and the money goes to help the Gateway Animal Clinic, a clinic that does some  awesome things.  I was on a good pace for a really good run when--WHAM--right in the middle there is this mountain!  So, my 8:30 mile becomes more like a 12:30  :<   I did get back on track, but my time was not at all what I was looking for.  Anyway,  why do they call the area we ran in the Flats?  They are anything but! 


I had a piping lesson today.  One of my adventures is going to be an individual competition sometime next spring/summer.  I have never done this before and thought it would be a good challenge.  Anyway, the lesson went well and the instructor and I were talking about various things that go on in bands. 

He and I really wonder why people can't get along.  I mean, you are in a musical group to play music to the best of your ability and you are with people who have the same intent or interest.  Yet some people must think that this is some kind of power play.  You should be able to put your personal issues aside for a couple of hours, I would think.

Well, enough of my musings for one night.   I guess I'll have to figure out what to do with those shoes.  Maybe it's time for a donation to a worthy cause.


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Wednesday, Sept. 15 2010

My first entry :D   It will be interesting to see where this goes! 

A little about me:  After a stint teaching 2nd and 3rd grade, I spent the rest of my career as a Spanish teacher for Elyria High School. Teaching high school--now there's an adventure!

In my younger days, I wasn't particularly athletic.  I liked to ride my  bike around the neighborhood, but that was about it.  Also, women were not encourged to be very athletic when I was a kid, which was ok with me :D

After having two children, I started running to lose some weight, never dreaming I'd do what I have done!
My first race was the Bonnie Bell 10K, which I did when a co-worker told me I could get a t-shirt, free make up and food!!!!!  Never mind that I had only been running a mile every night and had no clue about the 10K.  Long story short, I finished near the end, and remember coming home in the afternoon, went to  bed, and stayed there until the next day!  For some reason, I continued to run and enter races.  I discovered that the running community was awesome and I really enjoyed seeing them every week.  Eventually, I did more 5 and 10k's and decided for my 40th birthday it was time to move up to the marathon.  Cleveland was my inaugural race, and I swore I'd never do another!!  I lied--I did 26 more after that.

My next running adventure will be the Oil City 50K.  That WILL be an adventure.  I have never run that distance before, and due to injuries and heat, haven't trained properly. 

Other athletic events that I have been involved with include triathlons and duathlons.  My daughter things I am hyperactive, and says those types of events are good for me as when I get bored of doing one thing, I get to do another. :D

Along with being active, I took up playing the bagpipes when I retired from Elyria.  I always loved the sound of the pipes and thought that by playing them, I could hear them whenever I wanted.  Well, my neighbors at first weren't so enthused. While still learning, one summer afternoon, with all the doors and windows open, I was playing what I thought was an awesome rendition of "Scotland the Brave."  All of a sudden, the neighborhood kids rushed into the house, looking around.  When I asked them why they came in, they said that they thought I was killing the cat!!!!!!  Since then, the neighbors actually sit outside the house or wherever I'm playing and listen and seem to enjoy it (either that, or they've had a lot of beers).

Also, when I left Elyria High, I took up motorcycling.  Must be a midlife crisis thing!  I took classes at Polaris, and actually managed to pass them.  Before they could change their minds, I took my endorsement to the BMV  and am now a licensed motorcyclist!  I had a small  Honda for a while and traded up to a Honda Shadow 600.  I rode that for a couple of years, but found that it wasn't that comfortable for me, being a small person.  I ended up trying out a scooter, which basically is an automatic motorcyle(you don't have to shift gears) and have had a lot of fun with that...

Another interest of mine is travel.  I love to see our country and the world!   In the past few years, I have seen Macchu Pichu in Peru, Spain, Scotland, Ireland,  Quebec, as well as many of our states.  In a couple of weeks I will be heading back to Ireland to see some of the areas I couldn't visit before.

Well, that's about it for my first blog.  Look for another FABB adventure in the near future!