Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Wednesday, Sept. 15 2010

My first entry :D   It will be interesting to see where this goes! 

A little about me:  After a stint teaching 2nd and 3rd grade, I spent the rest of my career as a Spanish teacher for Elyria High School. Teaching high school--now there's an adventure!

In my younger days, I wasn't particularly athletic.  I liked to ride my  bike around the neighborhood, but that was about it.  Also, women were not encourged to be very athletic when I was a kid, which was ok with me :D

After having two children, I started running to lose some weight, never dreaming I'd do what I have done!
My first race was the Bonnie Bell 10K, which I did when a co-worker told me I could get a t-shirt, free make up and food!!!!!  Never mind that I had only been running a mile every night and had no clue about the 10K.  Long story short, I finished near the end, and remember coming home in the afternoon, went to  bed, and stayed there until the next day!  For some reason, I continued to run and enter races.  I discovered that the running community was awesome and I really enjoyed seeing them every week.  Eventually, I did more 5 and 10k's and decided for my 40th birthday it was time to move up to the marathon.  Cleveland was my inaugural race, and I swore I'd never do another!!  I lied--I did 26 more after that.

My next running adventure will be the Oil City 50K.  That WILL be an adventure.  I have never run that distance before, and due to injuries and heat, haven't trained properly. 

Other athletic events that I have been involved with include triathlons and duathlons.  My daughter things I am hyperactive, and says those types of events are good for me as when I get bored of doing one thing, I get to do another. :D

Along with being active, I took up playing the bagpipes when I retired from Elyria.  I always loved the sound of the pipes and thought that by playing them, I could hear them whenever I wanted.  Well, my neighbors at first weren't so enthused. While still learning, one summer afternoon, with all the doors and windows open, I was playing what I thought was an awesome rendition of "Scotland the Brave."  All of a sudden, the neighborhood kids rushed into the house, looking around.  When I asked them why they came in, they said that they thought I was killing the cat!!!!!!  Since then, the neighbors actually sit outside the house or wherever I'm playing and listen and seem to enjoy it (either that, or they've had a lot of beers).

Also, when I left Elyria High, I took up motorcycling.  Must be a midlife crisis thing!  I took classes at Polaris, and actually managed to pass them.  Before they could change their minds, I took my endorsement to the BMV  and am now a licensed motorcyclist!  I had a small  Honda for a while and traded up to a Honda Shadow 600.  I rode that for a couple of years, but found that it wasn't that comfortable for me, being a small person.  I ended up trying out a scooter, which basically is an automatic motorcyle(you don't have to shift gears) and have had a lot of fun with that...

Another interest of mine is travel.  I love to see our country and the world!   In the past few years, I have seen Macchu Pichu in Peru, Spain, Scotland, Ireland,  Quebec, as well as many of our states.  In a couple of weeks I will be heading back to Ireland to see some of the areas I couldn't visit before.

Well, that's about it for my first blog.  Look for another FABB adventure in the near future!

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